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Programme FELIXE

Programme FELIXE

Mens sana in corpore sano
A healthy mind
in a healthy body


Follow a programme in the Netherlands that fits in with your schedule, or else opt for a 14-day intensive programme on the magical island of Bali.

At Instituut Felixe we draw up a personal programme, tailor-made to your goals, time and budget. The approach is holistic. The elements of our programmes are not only attuned to the mental aspect, but also to your physical condition and eating habits. Our Team Felixe is made up of specialists in medical massage, yoga, mental coaching, reiki, boxing therapy, healthy nutrition, and more. With a combination of expertise and experience, we help you to achieve more lasting happiness, in a pain-free, healthy body.

Mens sana in corpore sano
A healthy mind
in a healthy body

Getting acquainted with Sylvia

In the preliminary interview I want to hear what problems you encounter, and where you want help. Together we examine which parts of the programme suit you, and if our approach appeals to you. During this session, I enable you to experience deep relaxation. After 90 minutes, both of us will know if our method suits you.

If you have a question or would like to make an appointment, ring Sylvia via +31 (0)6 29 624 384 or use the agenda to book a telephone appointment.

Intake: how can I help you?

The initial introduction is followed by a comprehensive intake. This is intended to get a better understanding of how I can help you. I take the time to map out your life story, qualities and stumbling blocks with you. We examine the underlying habits you have picked up, your physical fitness and eating routine. Based on that, I draft a programme to help you change old habits into new. I complete the intake with Reiki: an energy treatment that achieves deep relaxation for body and mind.

Follow-up session

In the follow-up, we discuss the programme, adapting it to your wishes, where appropriate. Take time to think about it and then decide if you want to accept the challenge. In Haarlem you can begin with a short programme of 3 months, or opt for a programme of a year. As part of the 3-month or year-long programme, it is also possible to follow a 14-day intensive programme on Bali.

Programme on Bali

The Intensive programme involves a stay in a de-luxe private resort on the magical island of Bali – a healing journey with traditional Balinese therapies and proven rituals. Local teachers and coaches from the Dutch team combine ancient Asian methods and modern Western techniques. The special surroundings and local people enable you to chill out and restore the equilibrium in your mind and body. The intensive programme lasts 14 days; a longer or shorter stay can be agreed on.

Programme FELIXE

A unique programme filled with
relaxation, exercise and enrichment

The programmes on Bali and in Haarlem are customised and comprise different elements. Not only do we look at the symptoms, we focus primarily on the causes. Bad eating habits are not only unhealthy for your body, but can also cause despondency. Just as work-related stress can lead to physical pain besides mental issues.

Perhaps you are aware of arriving home feeling tired, your shoulders so tense that you sleep badly and next morning snap at your partner, while dreading the working day ahead. Allow yourself to feel good in yourself and happy with the treatments and trainings with the Instituut Felixe specialists.




The ZKM, self-confrontation method, or self-knowledge method is a short, intensive coaching pathway. It is a tried and tested scientific method leading to new behaviour based on self-insight. The focal point is your life story, which you chart together with your coach, Sylvia Duijm. You ascertain manifest and latent thought and action patterns. This forms the basis for a change of behaviour.

Functional Patterns

A sedentary lifestyle and incorrect posture can cause chronic pain. The training programmes of functional patterns are based on evolutionary movement: breathing, walking, running and throwing. Functional patterns treatment trains your body so it can again move optimally and without pain.


Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique. It is a powerful treatment that achieves deep relaxation of body and mind.


A teacher will go to work with you, personally. He/She looks at your body’s specific needs and adapts the exercises accordingly. You learn how to make contact with your body, becoming aware of what you feel, and achieving a sense of calmness.

Boxing therapy

Boxing therapy is not about creating a fit and muscular body. The physical boxing exercises and your posture reveal tensions, perfectionism, uncertainties, anger and frustration. The combination of physical exercises and talking therapy makes you stronger mentally.

Time surfing

If you never switch off or have a busy job, it is hard to relax. You can’t manage to achieve a balance between your working and private life. The feeling of not having enough time is stressful. Time surfing is a method developed by Paul Loomans teaching you to work proceeding from calm and attention.

Orthomolecular therapy

You feel more energetic and keep healthy with a healthy lifestyle. The correct combination of nutrition and supplements ensures you feel comfortable in your own skin. An orthomolecular therapist not only addresses specific problems and symptoms, but also the individual as a whole.

Ice bath

The method developed by Wim Hof -- the Iceman - is based on three pillars: cold training, breathing exercises and focus. The intense cold boosts your immune system, reduces stress and helps you sleep better.

Human Design

The human design system can be seen as a guide to who you are, your strong and weak character traits. It helps you make decisions and understand how to live life in the way that suits you. It gives peace and quiet, energy and greater happiness.